Review of XX

XX (2017)
Some potential...without anything else
19 April 2017
Let me begin by saying I had such high hopes for this film.

I love Anthologies and I love horror. So this had to be a dream come true, right? Wrong. It was more like a nightmare. A really lame and boring one.

The movie consists of 4 short stories intertwined by an awesome abstract stop-motion animation. And let me tell you: the tiny pieces of it are wonderful. It's by far the best thing on this ill- conceived "horror" film. It has nothing to do with any of the stories though.

And since we're in the subject...the stories are just a bunch of hit-and-miss disconnected shorts ranging from the supernatural to the absurd. Well, OK...they're more like a miss-and-miss kind of deal.

Don't get me wrong. One of the stories (the first one) has A LOT of potential for greatness as a full featured film. The second and the fourth one are "alright" as little quirky tales (although unoriginal and poorly acted). The third one is just pure run-of-the-mill garbage.

The problem with all of them is that they're not good. At all.

They're boring, uninspiring and full (and I mean F-U-L-L) of clichés and plot holes. Oh, and NONE of the stories is scary. Not even a little bit. Even the first one, by far the best of them all, has enough problems to push true horror fans right into madness.

This movie not only asks you to suspend your disbelief. It asks for you to be lobotomized and shut every single functioning brain cell down.

There's simply no other way to "enjoy" it because at some points it's absolute nonsense.

The cinematography and editing are meh.

The FX are C-grade.

The acting goes from average to utterly awful.

The music & sound are OK. At best.

And the writing is amateurish and lazy.

The only redeeming quality in this almost empty movie is the very brief aforementioned stop-motion animation. Other than that...avoid this insulting atrocity at all costs.
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