Mundane movie
15 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This tragic story had so much potential for a really good and interesting movie but did not deliver. There was no depth to any of the characters you really didn't care if they lived or died. Crispin Glover was miscast as William Foster, I was expecting Marty Mcfly to rescue his dad in the Delorian , his acting was so wooden it was fine for comedy but not a serious role. The story-line was weak, I would have like a more accurate story this movie just skimmed over the top of what happened to these people, better acting and bigger budget it could have been a first rate movie but unfortunately it was more like a made for TV film, these emigrants became trapped in the Sierra Nevada Mountains during one of the most brutal winters on record yet the film made it look like they were out on a family hiking trip the weather was so mild not a snow flake in sight. I hope they do eventually make a more honest and realistic movie we don't have to focus on the cannibalistic side and make it a gore-fest, but more on the family unit, the story of survival and the aftermath of the survivors
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