The general concept may be the problem here
12 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"The Stolen Jools" is an American black-and-white film from 1931, so this one had its 85th anniversary last year and it is a 20-minute short movie from the early days of sound. You may have read about the cause in the plot summary and I agree that it is a somewhat honorable one, but this does not make it a good movie. I think the only way to enjoy this one is basically if you are a gigantic film fan of the 1930s and recognize all the actors working in here and they sure were the elite and among the most known people from show business back then. Let me just mention the Rascals and Laurel and Hardy, but there are many more and you can check the cast list to see who exactly participated. But this is also the problem. the sheer quantity of stars pressed into a film of under a third of an hour means that pretty much everybody does not have the material to shine really, neither in terms of quantity, nor in terms of quality. So this is maybe actually a case of too many cooks spoiling the broth and this could also refer to the amount of directors working on this one here. Yes it is nice that you see all those famous people if you recognize them, but this is really the only reason. The plot just isn't memorable at all and I give it a thumbs-down. Not recommended.
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