Affirmative action in chess, lol
31 March 2017
Hi folks, as some of U know, Disney is notorious for taking an event, and drastically changing and bending what actually occurred, often to the point of making a movie that really has little to do with the event or story they claim to be representing --The actual background for this movie is as follows

FIDE awarded Phiona a women's IM title. Their requirements are that a woman must have had a peak rating of at least 2000 elo and scored at least 50% in a qualifying tourney. Apparently they bent the rules a lot to grant Phiona a WIM (women International master) title. Her peak rating was about 1650 elo (350 below the requirement) and she scored only one win (against a 1542 player), three draws and lost three games in the 2012 Olympiad

--So this is basically a fiction movie =Its affirmative action in the world of FIDE, I'm sure there are a LOT of chess players fuming over this, I know of at least one young woman who tried to get an WIM in the USA and peaked at around 1950, and was not awarded the title --guess she is in the wrong country --One very good chess movie starring minorities that really is true is called 'Brooklyn Castle', --A very good fiction chess movie is 'Queen to Play', about as true as this movie is when you get right down to it
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