Lycanthrope (1999)
So-bad-it's-bad werewolf movie
24 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Another reviewer described LYCANTHROPE as "interesting" but I'd have to disagree. This film is largely a waste of time and the only interesting thing about it is trying to work out how they spent three quarters of a million dollars on it because there's no discernible sign of any money having been spent anywhere on screen.

The most laughable thing about this production is that it's set in the Amazon but was filmed out in a Californian wood somewhere. I'm sorry, but asking the viewer to pretend that a wood looks the same as a jungle is completely ridiculous. As for the back story, that a hole in the ozone layer is responsible for making a werewolf, that's ridiculous too. And you don't actually get to see any kind of monster, which is the biggest cheat of all, just some guy with cruddy make up on his face at one point.

The only thing going for LYCANTHROPE is a handful of familiar cast members, who must have known that this was going to turn out to be junk. Robert Carradine is the lead and quite dreadful with it. Christopher Mitchum shows up too but wisely stays at the back of the shots wherever possible and generally stays inconspicuous. Best of all is Michael Winslow, the human sound effect machine from the POLICE ACADEMY series, bringing some of his trademark humour and charm to the production. Elsewhere you get a little cheesy gore, Carradine saying "If it bleeds we can kill it", a general copy of THE THING and PREDATOR atmosphere, and a random opening shower scene with lots of close ups of breasts. It's that kind of film.
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