Review of Devil Rider!

Devil Rider! (1970)
Spoiled Bimbos and Some Really Bad Dudes
30 January 2017
"Kathy Holiday" (Sharon Mahon) is a young woman who wants to have fun. So after an argument with her boyfriend "Jim Aldridge" (Ridgely Abele) she goes for a walk to a nearby beach and while contemplating the situation meets a small group of motorcyclists led by a man named "Champ" (Ross Kananga) who invites her to go with them for a ride. They then proceed to where some other members of the gang are gathered and when one of the motorcyclists sees Kathy he immediately challenges Champ for the right to have her. After Champ beats him in a fight he and Kathy get high on drugs. Meanwhile, Kathy's parents get worried and talk to a private detective to find her. Unfortunately, what nobody realizes is just how bad this motorcycle gang actually is. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this isn't a great movie by any means. The acting is poor but the fight scenes are decent enough with a surprise twist at the end which surely counts for something. In any case, I rate it as just below average and recommend it only to those who might enjoy a film of this sort.
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