Somewhat bland if appealing horror/thriller
23 January 2017
After finding his wife having an affair, a man who disposed of her supposedly-dead body becomes tormented with the idea that she's still alive once he moves on with a new lover as well as brings his niece to live with him which escalates the events further than he wishes.

This one wasn't all that bad of a horror/thriller. What really tends to work well for this one is the efficiency of how it goes about setting up its central plot line, managing to jump right in with the central idea of this one quite early on. Right away we get her adulteress behavior and then getting caught, only to then jump straight from that into the intended burial after her getting drugged and taken out onto the lake which is all handled quite quickly in here. The resulting aftermath of the event and his quick- rising guilt over the event becomes all that much better with these taking place so quickly and moving the film along, as ell as generating the necessary thriller elements that are much more in vogue here as this one plays with those far more than it does true horror elements with the full-blown concept of him going mad and being haunted by the hallucinations of her returning. The scenes of her watching the two of them making love to each other, popping up to talk to him at random intervals in his life or to continually call the niece on the phone and converse with only her makes this a somewhat creepier tale than what would be expected in such a thriller, but yet that's where the main impetus of this one falls into which can make this one feel quite underwhelming as it's constantly waiting for something horrific to happen that doesn't really show up as the main focus on him loosing his mind that is far more in keeping with that line rather than the horror thread so a vast majority of the film plays off on those tangents rather than anything more thrilling or chilling. Once it gets to the final reveal and the whole planned outcome of everything coming to fruition for both parties makes for a slightly more engaging time here with the double reveals and twists on display makes for quite a better time here once it's gotten past the thriller storyline for the rest of the film. It really makes for a better ending than expected here, which is quite an enjoyable element that holds this up somewhat.

Rated Unrated/R: Full Nudity, Language and Violence.
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