Review of Measures

Justified: Measures (2012)
Season 3, Episode 11
Tightening the noose
14 December 2016
'Measures' follows the pattern of last season: existing as a setup for the final two episodes. But it'd be a disservice to just label it that because all of the ins and outs contribute to a riveting high-energy entry.

Quarles is a marked man, attracting focused attention from both law enforcement and Detroit's hired muscle. No, scratch that, everyone's gunning for the guy, and Neal McDonough lays on the Yankee arrogance as he scrambles for refuge. He's a horrifying monster, but damned if the actor doesn't make him an entertaining one. And the show could've brought in to write-off button men to finish him off, but they went with Michael Ironside. That's not someone you want coming after you/. Casting alone makes this a treat, but the whole thing's a marvel of interweaving plot threads.

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