Despite a miscast monster and some serious issues with the break-neck pacing, "Mary Shelley's Frankenstein" still delivers as a solid take on the classic tale of horror.
12 October 2016
Ask a random group of people for a list of the most recognizable faces of horror, and chances are the name "Frankenstein" will appear somewhat on that list. And why shouldn't it? Since the creation of the characters near 200 years ago, Frankenstein (or more correctly "Frankenstein's monster") has become an icon of not only horror, but of popular culture in general. With dozens of film adaptations, spin- off works, comics, video games and other examples in just about every other conceivable medium, the story of Victor Frankenstein and his monster is the stuff of legend!

One of the more peculiar entries in this vast franchise however has to be director Kenneth Branagh's hotly debated and polarizing 1994 adaptation "Mary Shelley's Frankenstein." Conceived of as a sort-of sibling to Francis Ford Coppola's popular 90's "Dracula" feature, the film was subject to some behind-the-scenes drama and was met with mixed reception from critics and fans alike. But beyond all of the drama and second guessing, does the film itself work? Beyond the he-said, she-said... is it a good movie when it all comes down to it?

...pretty much. It's not the best of the adaptations based around the story, and believe me, it has problems a plenty. But I can't say it was a failure, and if you asked, I'd have to admit that when it comes to "Frankenstein" on screen... it's pretty good.

We all know the story. A brilliant doctor who is trying to find the cure to death itself. The monster he creates in his attempts to discover the key to creating life. And the tragedy to follow. What sets this particular take on the tale apart is the sheer thrills of director Branagh's (who also stars) visual direction and the wide and varied cast that populates the story. And for the most part, they are the highlights here.

Branagh's got a keen visual sense, this much is evident from his vast array of work. Everything from his Shakespeare adaptations to even his more mainstream work like the Marvel Studios flick "Thor" oozes his kinetic and hyper-real style. And that's on full-display here. I get the feeling that Branagh is trying to mold the film to reflect the manic excitement of Victor himself, and I do think it's an interesting new way to present the story. With flowing camera-work, tilted angles and wild editing, you really get the feeling of how obsessed Frankenstein is in his attempts to create life and how it all implodes around him due to the unforeseen circumstances of his experiments. It's almost shot more akin to a high-stakes action picture than a tale of Gothic horror, but it works for the most part. Although it can be an occasional detriment during the slower scenes of character and story development. Something co-writer Frank Darabont has bemoaned in some interviews, as he viewed the film as a slower and more dramatic character piece. Still, I think that Branagh's wild eye meshes well with the story being told. He just needs to stop drinking so much caffeine during the slower and more deliberate scenes!

The cast is a great deal of fun. Branagh makes for a wonderfully crazed new Victor with the giddiness and the excitement of a schoolboy who simply cannot deal with personal tragedy. Helena Bonham Carter makes for a fantastic Elizabeth, despite often being relegated to the sidelines and you really do root for her and Victor's relationship. Classic actor Tom Hulce is a blast as Victor's best friend. And supporting roles by the likes of John Cleese and Ian Holm are all exceptionally well cast.

Then there's the monster. Oh boy. Look, I love Robert De Niro, and I'm sure if I wasn't as aware of him as I am that I'd like his version of the monster even more... but there's no getting around it. When you watch the film, you're not seeing a tragic figure of a monster who feels betrayed and abandoned. You're seeing Robert De Niro under heavy makeup. He's trying his hardest and it's a decent performance, but I can't help but feel it's a major miscast because it's so distracting and once or twice it will take you out of the movie.

Beyond that, the production is top notch. Patrick Doyle's dark score is haunting and tragic, and is among my favorites of the decade. Roger Pratt's cinematography is absolutely stunning and is lush and wild and dreary and all things that the story call for. Magnificent work. Tim Harvey and James Acheson deliver a splendid one-two punch with their work in production and costume design, giving everything a realistic but stylish flair to augment Victor's crazed energy. (Don't get me started on Victor's fantastic laboratory set!) And all others involved are on-game in the best of ways.

The only major aspect of the production I must question is the editing, which in conjunction with Branagh's deranged visuals causes many a problem and is where the film loses some points. This is just a psychotically edited movie. Yes, I understand the purpose behind it... but it feels disjointed and scattershot as a result, with far too many scenes beginning and ending on a whim without proper establishment or payoff, and some cutting that feels sloppy due to the editor and Branagh trying to fit in as many angles and shots as possible. It's a big problem here and I get the feeling that it's where the film will lose a lot of people.

Still, for my money, the excellent cast and visually arresting direction trump these issues for the most part. It may have benefited from more deliberate pacing and a different choice of monster... but it's not a bad film for these issues. Merely a troubled one.

And so, I'm giving "Mary Shelley's Frankenstein" a pretty-good 7 out of 10. Worth seeing for fans looking for a slightly different spin on the iconic classic.
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