Not Convincing Story-side
9 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Scarehouse shows some potential but the director/writer messed the story up - I had especially trouble to connect to the motivations of the killer-duo: You let yourself talk into doing some bullshit (drugging the guy) and on top your are too dumb to check that he's in such a bad condition that he is about to die!? And you blame the other girls for your dumbness!? And you don't only want to kill them but you even need to torture them in most horrible ways only a pevert can imagine!? I guess the movie-makers realized how weak the motivation (some years in prison and a bad reputation) is for such a doing and added the suicide of one mother, but anyway, imo anything but convincing. ***BIG SPOILERs*** But the director/writer even messed the end up: If both the killer girls would have hanged themselves we would have got some kind of poetical suicide in the end, but instead one of the girls betrays the other and this is done so dumb - stabbing herself and leaving the fingerprints on the knife will not help much. Both girls left fingerprints and other evidences on the whole scare-house and on the victims, so how the f*** she thinks she would have the slightest chance to get away with from being jailed for lifetime or riding the electrical chair!?

So what's left to say!? Scarehouse is no disaster but could have been much better with some more care story-side. An one-timer for the connoisseur of revenge horror movies. The gore level I would call rather low, so this is imo no torture porn (but "highlights" are some of those I admit creative torture/kill scenes).
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