The Flash: Flashpoint (2016)
Season 3, Episode 1
Facing Consequences
5 October 2016
"Flashpoint" is probably the best season premiere episode the show has given us after 3 seasons of creatively introducing new things and reinventing themselves. This time we get an iconic story line played out in a rather minimal and small scale manner that certainly will pull lots of strings this season, appropriately titled "Flashpoint ;) ;)".

To start off, this episode really is such a nostalgic episode considering the long break we've had in between seasons and the emotional drive that was the last few episodes of season 2 Flash. Honestly, it seems perfectly fitting we only got the whole "Flashpoint" thing for one episode and it being the pilot in such a smaller scale compared to the comics. The next episode, appropriately titled "Paradox" sheds new light on what this season might actually focus on, which is not the whole "Flashpoint" itself, but how every event and consequences that will eventually happen in this season came from one point in time where Barry screwed up. At the start of the episode, it may seem too much to take in especially if you are a non comic book reader or aren't that too familiar with the concept of Flashpoint, it also doesn't quite help how the explanation comes in at around the 30 minute mark for those audiences scratching their heads. Nonetheless, it is an experience that most of us were waiting for ever since that reveal was made last season finale and it was reasonable considering how the whole "Flashpoint" event in the comics itself won't be able to extend to at least 22 episodes say even 7 episodes at best. For a show that knows its limitations and works with it, it was quite an impressive feat and has all the thrilling and exciting Flash elements you know and love. Moreover, this episode did contain a few flaws that may irritate some and SURELY then some. Number one being it isn't really what most people expected as it isn't as much as a faithful adaptation of the well known story line. Second, it's quite fast paced and doesn't hold on it own accord to stop as much and throws lots of things in for good measure, i.e. Caitlyn thrown in there, Key dramatic moments out of nowhere between certain characters, etc. Third, Kid Flash and the Rival being so short-lived and generic banter, lots of generic lines return and even though the scene plays out as it should be, it's quite irritating to predict whats coming up next and you ending up being right for the next few minutes. However, last point (pun intended), the ending is quite deliberate in trying to set up the season and boy does it look exciting, Alchemy and Savitar, Speedforce and Magic? Iris..????

In the end, it's a pretty good episode considering the limitations this show had with its characters and contrived story line. As long as the show will constantly and creatively bring in new things then this show is certainly worthwhile this season.

Verdict: 8.6/10
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