Amityville Death House (2015 Video)
31 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The Amityville Horror keeps itself alive now with these cheap direct to video sequels by now that bare little resemblance to the novel and movie of the first film. Besides the somewhat familiar looking house it has no link to any other films in the series changing the lore to have a young girl named Tiffany checking on her grandmother and finding it possessed by a witch's spirit after the descendants that killed her.

While the opening was promising the execution was a mess from the wooden delayed reactions from the actors to the contrived and jumble mess with the script. The sheriff runs over a ghost only to leave his vehicle searching for bodies and the way her friends die isn't the same in the finale.

The effects were cheap cgi made by hacks who couldn't cut it in film school and the sets are as phony as a high school play. Don't get me started on the shot camera work that looks like it was recorded on a cell phone or how unfocused it looked when zooming in on a closeup.

While I thought the witch had promise in her spider outfit it wasn't scary nor suspenseful once they read from the book of the dead. The music is like a retro guitar rift from the 70s.

Mark Polonia has only two projects under his name and he may want to consider another career choice. This was a nonessential and a waste of time.
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