Bad Words (2013)
Funny dark humor that may not suit the faint hearted
15 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Overall: This movie, to me, is a hilarious movie that just doesn't care. Not the type of humor many will enjoy but those that do, it is a treat.

Good: It has a dark tone of humor which I find hilarious but I can understand this might put people of. It's a stupid yet memorable concept with stupid but lovable characters. The acting all around is superb, especially from some of the kids.

Bad: Despite it's peculiar concept, the actual overall plot of the movie is quite weak. It is kind of pointless that they just couldn't kick Guy out of the contest but then than is movie making. There seems be no reason for the news to be accompanying Guy other than a love interest which doesn't work that well. His whole father plot line with the dramatic reveal was pointless and came of as forced.

Best Part: The albeit controversial scene where Guy meets his 'friend' on the plane shows the boundary this movie would cross. It's crude yet hilarious and sets the characters relationship up perfectly.

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