Once Upon a Time: Labor of Love (2016)
Season 5, Episode 13
Labor of Faith
18 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Warning do not read unless seen episode.

This is another solid episode to the season and another one of the only ones of this season I like and stand out which are sadly very few.

The only bad thing is the subplot involving Cruella which I felt was useless and unnecessary. I'm sure Henry has the good sense not to write Cruella back to the living realm. I honestly can't see how since she's been dead a long time, and it's forbidden for Henry because it's a violation to the laws of nature.

Now down to business, the highlight no doubt is finally seeing a character of Greek Myth, Hercules. This was a character I've been waiting to see for a long time, he's always been one of my favorite fictional protagonists. There have been many versions played off on the visual medium, my favorite will always be Kevin Sorbo from "Hercules the Legendary Series" one of my favorite fantasy TV shows. I really like the guy that plays Hercules he's got not just the build but a little charisma and charm.

I'll admit it was a little surprising seeing that Herc went to the underworld because he failed to complete one labor, even though in the original mythology he completed them all but like always with this show the story in their world is much different and throws out some of what we already know. But this makes Herc really sympathetic as we see the non completion of the Labor not just made him lose his life but also his faith in himself.

I really liked seeing the depth in the character Snow, as we see her in her teens and of course it was fitting that the actress Balie Mason whom played young Snow is the age she is now. I thought it was a really cool idea that Herc was the one that trained her to fight but also that both Herc and Snow had a thing for each other for a while which was sweet; in a way this could be a wishforfillment fantasy for girls.

There were bits of humor when David exercised a bit of jealousy toward Herc, despite the fact it happened a long time ago. But also how Herc reacted seeing present day Snow, yeah I would be a bit confused and wearded out by it too. However this makes the dynamic between both Herc and Snow even more interesting as Snow is now the mentor for Herc to help him relearn the very lessons he taught her.

The theme is about true strength. I really like what the episode says about failure which I feel is a good lesson that every person should hear. Failure doesn't always mean a person is weak, it is sometimes really a opportunity for that person to find a way to win and be stronger than ever before.

Young Snow gets though her failure by training harder but also having the courage to try again. It was great moment when at first we see Snow miss with the first shot but when the Bandit gets overconfident we see that she takes a second shot and it completely disarms the Bandit; the miss was just a bluff just so the Bandit would give Snow the perfect target.

Herc tells Snow how he failed because he tried to take the Ceribus on his own. And that was the problem because the Ceribus can attack from three different directions at once, which is like trying to fight off three guys at the same time, logically odds of surviving single handily are slim. So Snow comes up with a strategy which I thought was great but also shows it takes more than brute force to win, where they will fight it off but in an enclosed space which gives the Ceribus little room to maneuver which takes it's advantage away. But most importantly Herc has backup this time as he now has both Snow and the Girl to cover the other two heads.

There is of course a twist with the young girl we see throughout the episode. Though I wouldn't say it really was one as I've already guessed who she is. The girl is Megara, whom in both the mythology and Disney film is Herc's significant other. She didn't disappoint as she's sweet has a little charisma and I personally think the actress is cute. Really liked the chemistry both of them shared near the end, though I'll admit that another weak factor of the episode I kinda wished both got together a little sooner, would of liked to of seen more back and forth between them but oh well.

And of course both Herc and Megra are rewarded by going to Olympious which was happy but I also felt was kinda sad as this signifies that both mythological characters are truly gone. It would be cool if may'be in the next season they somehow came back, like Zeus and the Gods reward both Herc and Megra for their final labor and bring them both back to the reality/fantasy realm, may'be join up with the Storybrooke or Enchanted party to combat evil. But that's a long shot even though it would be a cool idea. But all the same it was happy to see that Herc and Meg are finally going to where they belong; farewell Herc and Meg just like the mythology you will always live on.

As Nitcheche once said, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger". That is the Storybroke party are still around and going strong.

Rating: 3 stars
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