Highly impressive and the best of the series
23 May 2016
Working on a project for the Nazis, a scientist's work with reviving the dead is complicated by a local puppet master's work on a group of dolls for a theater show being sent after them in revenge for the murder of his wife as they carry out his deadly plans.

This here was a rather fun and exciting effort with a lot to really like about it. What makes it so fun is the film's rather enjoyable and worthwhile backstory here by being the starting point for the franchise and filling in so many holes in the main running thread. Though it keeps the puppets off-screen for the most part, the fact that the first half sets up the impetus of his revenge makes for a really exciting time here with this one bringing about a notable and certainly justified revenge motif about their mistreatment of him which really sets this one in motion from that point onward. As that allows the film to descend into a series of encounters with the puppets wiping out the Nazis almost exclusively, that not only means the film is so fast- paced that it avoids the pacing issues of the previous film but also manages the same facet of the rest of the franchise in being able to give the different puppets the same elements as before where they get plenty of fine time to shine. There's a strong slew of encounters here that gives this one a rather frenetic pace that makes for each puppet getting plenty of chances to showcase their powers which is where this one scores more than the other efforts in this regard as the excess time not only gives them the chance for those attacks while also managing to give them a more tender and affectionate side with them now being the good guys throughout here instead of only at the end when their feelings are insulted after being the villains beforehand. It's a nice breath of fresh air in the series and gives it some additional life, along with the fun new addition to the franchise in a cool puppet brought into play. It does suffer slightly from a drawn-out plot line about the Nazi mastermind who's simply a prick for no reason other than he needs to be the villain of the of the piece yet comes off more as a disgraceful, condescending jerk more than anything else. This carries over into the events of the finale as there's a few too many plot-points by that time to really get the full effect of what's going on. This clichéd nature doesn't really give this a whole lot of originality at that point, which is about the only real problems this one has to lower it.

Rated R: Graphic Violence, Nudity, Language, mild sexual activities and children-in-jeopardy.
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