Well I Liked It
18 May 2016
I liked this film - it's got the idea of a spooky haunted house, the occult incantations and a ghoul that has been resurrected. The idea of a film crew in a place supposedly haunted is nothing new to the 1970s - take a look at Boris Karloff's "Frankenstein 1970 (1958 film)". But both movies are different just the film crew and the fact both are horror films are the only similarities between them. Speaking of ghouls and Boris Karloff, check out Karloff's "The Ghoul (1933)".

This film, "House of Seven Corpses", is not all that bad of a film - if you like the 1970s style of horror and films that pay homage to (or throwbacks to) the earlier films. Sure this film is a bit slow, that I will admit, but it does build to a pretty good last 25 minutes. The one disappointment with the ending is they do not give us a final scene where things are sorta summoned up and explained a bit more to the viewer, otherwise it's just a pretty good silly horror film - nonsense to enjoy.

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