Game of Thrones: Home (2016)
Season 6, Episode 2
This season is moving much faster than excepted.
1 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
***CONTAINS SPOILERS*** *********************** Amazing episode. In just the second episode of the season things pick up dramatically. A very cool flashback through one of bran's visions appears it will reveal something major that has been theorized for years.

Castle black gets dramatic between the mutineers and the help that arrives. Sir Robert Strong AKA the zombie mountain appears he will be a very useful tool for Cersei's revenge tear that appears to be on the horizon. Ramsay surprises though many of us saw this coming with instances of foreshadowing, though still shocking to see. The iron islands makes a nice return to season 6. Tyrion was shortly featured but had a very awesome scene with creatures I hope to see him in the presence of more in the future. A character that has spoken one word the entire series has spoken others.

Oh and that thing that we all kind of knew was going to happen, happened. Though I was certain it would happen (at least in my own mind), I was still on the edge of my seat the for the entire last scene of the episode thinking they may wait.

Once the episode ended and I watched the episode 3 promo, I became super upset that I have to wait a week because it looks like it is showing a scene that has been theorized about since the late 90's. This season isn't f***ing around. Things are moving fast and the entire story is in new territory past the books (for the most part).
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