Review of Home

Game of Thrones: Home (2016)
Season 6, Episode 2
This is Game of Thrones!
1 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I made a very harsh review of the first episode of season 6 as it was getting a lot of praise and I felt that it was very underwhelming and nothing happened. This episode was the exact opposite, as a lot of important and epic stuff happened.

We got to see Bran again as he visited the past, where we saw characters like Lyana Stark (will be important soon) and the past of Hodor, which was very interesting. Tyrion did something a lot of us wanted to see and set the 2 chained Dragons free, so now they will actually be able to do stuff alongside Drogon.

2 Major characters died and got a "generational" takeover, Roose Bolton and Balon Greyjoy. The first got stabbed by Ramsey, which just after finding out Walda had her baby boy, decided to become the new Lord Bolton and feed Walda and his new brother to the hounds in a classic Ramsey fashion. Balon met his demise out of nowhere when his brother appeared (who seems even a worse person than him) and just pushed him of a bridge. None of this deaths were predictable in my opinion so that was great. (Besides they were both douches) We had more interesting moments, like in King's Landing where it seems a war Lannister - Faith is coming very soon.

But, finally, what we had all been waiting for happened at the wall. The wildlings came to Jon's friends aid, and when the situation was under control Sir Davos asked Melisandre to try to bring Jon back.. And he is Back.

Overall this episode had everything going on for it and it was very well paced, and all the flaws episode 1 had this one corrected. Now everything will just get better, as it was Jon Snow who died, but it's Jon Stark Targaryen the one who rises!
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