Review of Home

Game of Thrones: Home (2016)
Season 6, Episode 2
Now this is excellent television.
1 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
After what was (in my opinion) a bit of a slow premier, episode 2 took the pent up momentum and delivered us a magnificent viewing experience.

I enjoy how we're starting to see Bran dabble in flashbacks, Bran quickly became one of my favorite story lines after a weak few first seasons. The scene with Ramsay helped to further develop his character, giving us yet another scene that is emotionally devastating and difficult to watch. It was also rewarding to see Theon finally express that feeling of being redeemed, his scene with Sansa was moving and sincere. Also, can't get through a review without giving them props for really delivering on making Robert Strong a frightening, physically imposing, remorseless character.

Now onto the final scene. I've never seen Game of Thrones as the sort of show to deliver "fan service", and while at first glance it looks like reviving Jon Snow would be the ultimate fan service, it definitely did not feel as such. Jon Snow's return felt like the natural next step to take in the Castle Black storyline.

This episode has done a phenomenal job furthering several story lines and giving us something to look forward to next week. Great work, D&D.
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