Wanted a Second viewing - was amazed - re-wrote my review
19 April 2016
After seeing The Witch the first time I compared it unfavorably to the Shining and found it lacking some structure, expecting a psychological meta-narrative outside of the horror genre and outside the idea of witches in general. I wrote a review not really praising it but finding the film interesting. The film stuck with me, however.

I then read "The Witches: Salem, 1692" by Stacy Schiff which is an historical account of the much later trials (that we are all vaguely aware of, but whose details I for one was unfamiliar with). It also contains some of the material and texture that the filmmaker was employing in writing his film. Reading the book actually made me want to watch the film again and evaluate it on it's own merits, not some half-baked expectations of my own.

I saw it again and was amazed.

I found the film to be powerful, extraordinarily disturbing, dense with period texture and a real horror masterpiece. The psychological narrative was not some modern re-imagining of a mindset plagued by superstition, but an historical reconstruction of an authentic, period world-view which was dramatically and brilliantly played-out - it is eerily effective. I was sad it came to an end - I wanted to see and feel more of the experience the film provides.

I am delighted to have been so wrong about such an amazing film and able to enjoy it again, for the first time! I highly recommend this utterly unique film experience.
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