a decent beginning
13 April 2016
"Shatterday": Like the original Twilight Zone's "Where Is Everybody?", this segment seems low-key for a series opener. Unlike "Where Is Everybody?", there's no real payoff here. It was fun to see Bruce Willis in a battle of wits with Bruce Willis, but I wonder if the story itself would be enough to hold the viewer's interest if the lead actor hadn't gone on to become a big movie star.

"A Little Peace and Quiet": I remember being shocked at the end when I saw it on TV back in the 90s. The ending is no less powerful in 2016. The buildup is handled well, with subtle hints dropped in snippets of TV and radio newscasts that initially seem to be little more than background noise. The characters are kind of an enigma, though. As caricatures of a typical suburban family, they're spot on - the mom is oblivious to the world outside her immediate surroundings, the dad is a bumbling schmuck, and the kids are little brats. I'm just not sure if that was the intended effect.
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