Hell Harbor (1930)
Despite the plot, the film is dull....very dull.
21 March 2016
"Hell Harbor" is set on some crappy island in the Caribbean. A slimy guy, Joseph Horngold (Jean Hersholt) has cheated a drunk out of some very valuable pearls. With the pearls, he hopes to marry Henry Morgan's daughter. Morgan (Gibson Gowland) is more than happy to essentially sell Anita (Lupe Valez) and force her to marry Joseph. Additionally, Anita learns that there's a plan to cheat an American out of his pearls and kill him! But Anita loves the guy and is determined to help the American.

This film is a very low budgeted B made by a poverty row studio, Inspiration. Because of this, despite the tropical location, the film just looks cheap. There is no incidental music (not too unusual for 1930) but the acting and actors just seem rough...very, very rough. The film is actually very hard to watch and I became bored with it almost instantly! The only reason to see it is if you are a total film nut and want to see Rondo Hatton in his first film, though his part is quite small.
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