Mildly Entertaining Nonsense
31 January 2016
If Jarhead was a subtle, slow-burning study of the Middle Eastern occupation through the eyes of a grunt, Jarhead 2 is the complete opposite.

It's an entertaining if dumb action flick but has very little in common with reality or common sense.

Ambushed on a supply run, a team of marines switches their mission object to keep an Afghan woman out of the hands of Taliban with the help of Cole Hauser's NAVY Seal.

The acting is fine and the action is well shot, if totally preposterous with overkill.

I can't claim to have served in conflict, but I'm pretty certain soldiers on both sides wouldn't frequently waste RPG's just to blow up one person armed only with a gun, instead of disabling vehicles and such, for which these weapons are designed. A lot of the action pieces seemed designed for cinema gore effects only and pretty much took me out of the reality that the rest of the film worked hard to achieve.

As did a point after a gun fight where the soldiers opt to walk to their destination through hostile territory, instead of commandeering the Taliban cars.

It wasn't the worse movie, and for the most part was exciting enough to hold my attention, but it could have been a lot better had it not been for nonsensical movie tropes that burst the bubble.
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