Dead Body Fascination
13 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Put in charge of a female celebrity's dead body, a young morgue attendant boasts to his friends who insist in seeing the dead woman naked, and things only become more twisted as one of the friends expresses an interest in necrophilia in this independent thriller from Spain. From such a plot description alone, 'El Cadáver de Anna Fritz' might sound like a film done in incredibly bad taste, but it is rarely exploitative (only the briefest glimpses of the nude corpse are seen) and a sudden twist after eighteen minutes pulls the film in a decidedly different direction with the friends forced to make some tough moral decisions. None of the actors playing the three friends are particularly remarkable, but there are some interesting shifts in personality; most notably, the morgue attendant goes from reluctantly letting his friends in, afraid of losing his job, to giddily playing practical jokes on them. That said, Bernat Samuell has a bit of a bland character - he is pretty much the moral compass of the group throughout, but co-stars Christian Valencia and Albert Carbó undergo enough shifts in personality to keep things fresh. The plot also requires some suspension of disbelief (medically speaking in particular) but it is an engaging film through and through if one does not think about the probability of it too much. Several ideas raised by the film are fascinating, including celebrity worship and the ability of the human survival instinct to overtake rationality. Clocking in at only just over an hour in length too, the film is briskly paced and never outstays its welcome.
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