what if Quentin Tarantino had grown up to this show?
1 January 2016
The question is worth asking.

We know that QT worshipped Caradine (Kill Bill -- now appears with hindsight to be his greatest work as he gets worse with each subsequent release) and this was because he watched Kung Fu in the 70s.

Now, your humble reviewer has watched the full KF series, top to bottom, tip to tail, three times in 40 years. And I can tell you that it starts out brilliantly, a perfect mix of philosophy and martial arts, and by the end of the run it becomes 45 minutes of tedious dialog leading up to 4 minutes of fighting.

Gough and Milar (who have done not only Smallville but major features) seem to have decided to experiment with the reverse formula. Minimal plot and arguably some of the best fight scenes on TV today.

What if QT had grown up to THIS? Think about it.

I am.
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