Hyena Road (2015)
An Uninspiring, Confusing Mess.
29 October 2015
I went into the movie really wanting to like the film. I strongly support the Canadian film industry, however, Hyena Road was a disappointment.

The start of the film was exciting and well paced despite being pretty predictable, however it was the middle of the film that fell off the tracks. It was boring, confusing, and overall pretty flat. Many of the plot developments were pretty predictable and the characters were flat, like really flat. I began to become confused as the story went from dialogue scene to dialogue scene which became boring and repetitive. I had no connection to the characters and couldn't tell you anyone's name. The end attempted to get the wheels spinning by using love to get the wheels going, but it was very cliché.

The action scenes were sloppily executed as the camera was awkwardly shaky. Storm troopers look like marksmen compared to the dreadful aim of every foe until the final battle.

The movie was boring, cliché, and overall a very uninspiring film that attempted to capitalize on the market for patriot acts.
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