Skeletons (2010)
Archly ambitious
5 October 2015
Nick Whitfield's 'Skeletons' could be described as a very ambitious film; or it could be described as a mess, the work of people with plenty of ideas but absolutely no idea of how to construct a coherent movie. There's a story about a cast of characters who seem to be playing bit-parts from a bad post-war sitcom; there's a story about psychic detectives, who have the ability to insert themselves in and out of other people's lives; and somewhere in the chaos, there's meant to be (as far as I can tell) some kind of meditation on love and loss that the audience is supposed to take at least semi-seriously. But it's all shot on shoestring and with a self-conscious almost-campness that means it feels more like a bunch of clueless people running about in a country house with a video camera than anything else. On the plus side, the score is quite well suited to the shifts in mood, but it's not enough to rescue the film.
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