Doctor Who: Flatline (2014)
Season 8, Episode 9
A dark and visual delight that satisfies a more mature audience.
19 September 2015
Clara has got over her issues with the Doctor, and is now at ease travelling in the TARDIS, landing back on earth they find all is not as it should be, the dimensions of the TARDIS go very wrong. Two dimensional creatures are coming out of the walls and out of the floors and killing people, the Doctor is stuck in a miniaturised TARDIS, so it falls on Clara, and young helper Rigsy to try and sort the mess out.

This is one of the most original Doctor Who stories ever, it is fantastic. The visuals are just fabulous, there are so many jaw dropping scenes, the creatures coming out of the walls, as iconic a moment as Spearhead's mannequins surely. The scene of George being taken over was a scary one, utterly brilliant!! The creatures running along the Tunnel too are so impressive, something out of a Horror movie. Doctor Who for grown ups.

Fans of the Addams family will appreciate the moment when the Doctor moves the TARDIS by hand, love it.

Clara continues to grow as a character, she has become a brilliant sidekick for the Doctor. The scene of Missy though, what was her involvement with Clara!!

I totally love it, unique, scary, I must applaud Jamie Mathieson for this and The Mummy on the Orient Express, hopefully he'll be writing more for years to come, FANTASTIC, 9/10
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