Scaring up something to eat....or is it someone?
17 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
"You'll have to turn back! The bridge is washed out!" This is always followed by the friendly suggestion, "You can always stay at the Black Raven right down the street" With that raven's feather in his cap, the man turning drivers back sends these poor travelers possibly to their doom to this dark inn run by George Zucco. Among the travelers are a couple eloping against the will of her father and a single middle aged accountant heading to Canada on vacation. Before long, the bride to be (Wanda McKay) is confronted by her pompous father (Robert Middlemass) who also recognizes the single accountant (Byron Foulger) as an accused embezzler. Bizarre creeping figures make for a spooky evening as thunder and lightening darken the rain-soaked night. It's the spooky Glenn Strange lurking in the hallways, frightening Foulger while Zucco offers support to McKay's groom-to-be (Noel Madison). It's no shock when Middlemass is found dead, discovered right after the spooky music utilized in several PRC horror films is played over and over again.

Cheezy fun, this dimly lit "Old Dark Inn" horror yarn is thrilling and short with the perfect atmosphere for murder and mayhem. I can just hear the director on the wind and rain machine barking "Faster!" to the technical workers on the set. "Oh dear, how did this happen?", suspect Foulger asks to which Zucco dryly replies, "Obviously, somebody didn't like him!" Zucco gets some really funny lines, telling one of his paranoid staff members, "With your mind, you could see the statue of liberty doing a conga!" Veteran film villain Charles Middleton goes onto the right side of the law for a change to play the sheriff, but when it comes down to it, on a dark and stormy night, anybody could have done it! There are a lot of patches of simply the suspects roaming around the hotel as the music plays with no dialog at all, and although this slows it down a bit, it really doesn't matter. It's all over in an hour, giving chills, laughs and overall, a memorably macabre atmosphere that ends up being harmless fun.
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