Review of But I'm Not

Under the Dome: But I'm Not (2015)
Season 3, Episode 2
Losing the plot...losing the fan-base
7 July 2015
This episode unfortunately continues the hopeless start to season 3. It really does make watching more of a chore than an enjoyable hour of my life.

After the 'non-surprise' of ep1 I found i almost couldn't engage with the story on a decent level anymore - but somehow I persevered. Unfortunately it wasn't great.

We are still in the present/past/future and in/out the dome/town/world and the real/imagined/fake lives...and telling them apart doesn't help the viewer decide which scene relates to which segment.

It's a mess and although thankfully better than ep1 I can say its still a huge drop in quality from what made the shows beginning so great.

I'm hoping I stayed awake long enough and didn't dream that the we will be getting back to the singular storyline again now the townsfolk have been released - or at least a favorite few. Whilst the show may not have lived up to its early promise it certainly didn't deserve the kiss of death thats been presented in more recent times.

I may not be clairvoyant but I see little future for the show...season 4 is a long way off, and I fear even the mid-season may bring dark news of this continues.

Please, please, please let it return to a decent, respectable storyline, even if it does grate at times thanks to to many implausible and irritating characters. Judging by the finale it may be heading back that way...on can only hope. .... An improvement - 4/10...yes indeed a 4 is an improvement, just shows how far it sank.
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