Junk Hole 2 Junk Hole.
21 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Jungle 2 Jungle (1997): Dir: John Pasquin / Cast: Tim Allen, Martin Short, Jobeth Williams, Lolita Davidovich, Sam Huntington: Remake of Little Indian, Big City referring to different backgrounds such as Tim Allen from the city and his discovery of a son he never knew he had from the jungle. He wanders off to the jungle wondering why his wife hasn't signed divorce paper and ends up taking his son back to the city. This boy can kill flies with a blowgun, kill birds with arrows, and he has a craving for cat. Lame subplot involves Allen and Martin Short selling coffee and the trouble brought on by Russians. Not director John Pasquin's best moment. He previously directed Allen in the much better and certainly more creative The Santa Clause. The film grows tiresome with Allen going along with an idiotic charade. Short wasted as Allen's moron partner. JoBeth Williams plays Allen's ex-wife whose function is pretty much straight forward. Lolita Davidovich plays his current girlfriend who is frightened off by a spider while the kid urinates on her plants. Sam Huntington as Tim Allen's son is the biggest idiot character in the film and it is unfortunate that Huntington is shamed with this embarrassment. The whole theme regarding raising healthy children is bogus within the cheap farce that this film becomes. It is a juvenile comedy at its worst that should be taken out with a blow gun and buried. Score: 1 / 10
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