Celebrity Name Game (2014–2017)
Better than Average
24 April 2015
I would have given this a higher rating if it wasn't for all the noise. The show keeps close track of time through out the show. And there's 4 minutes and 15 seconds of game play during the show. Plus and un-timed (about two minutes) section toward the end that can go very fast as well if the teams scored well in the first two rounds. So you have maybe 6 to seven minutes of game play out of 30 minutes. Thank God they were smart enough to get Craig Ferguson to fill in the rest of the time on the show. Not only does he have to draw as much as he can out of the contestants. Some of the celebrities need some help being entertaining. Craig really makes the show. I record it so i get by some of yelling, clapping, and other loud noise. Craig is an amazingly talented ad-libber; and I look forward to his part of the show every time. It's well worth watching. Especially if you don't mind clapping and wooohoooing.
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