Family Guy: Excellence in Broadcasting (2010)
Season 9, Episode 2
Sorry, I just can't defend this episode...
1 March 2015
It's so dull you are almost baffled. Am I really watching Family Guy? Is this the show I know and love? The plot is really, really, really uninspired. Brian hates Rush Limbaugh's guts, reads his book, then becomes his best friend, then is taught that he didn't really think his politics were THAT great. If you think the plot sounds boring already, you won't like this episode. I'm not sure what Mark Hentemann was thinking, but I wish he at least had tried to put some damn jokes into the episode. There are almost none. And several of the few jokes that are there are not even good. If the episode had been funnier, I'd have forgiven the bad plot. But since the very little at all humor stops when Brian becomes a fan of Limbaugh, I can't give this episode any positives. Family Guy has handled politics in a way that's both smart and funny, plenty of times. This episode is not an example of that. Limbaugh is very unfunny in his guest role and the ending is F UCKING STUPID. Rush turning into a vulture and flying away? Excuse me, WHAT???? What this episode should have done to work is mocking both political sides equally and write more jokes into it. Hmmmm... Nah, you know what? This episode simply just shouldn't have been made. One of the worst episodes of the whole show.
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