The Bounder (1982–1983)
More Fine Comedy From Bowles And Chappell
18 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Peter Bowles first worked with writer Eric Chappell on his amusing hospital based sitcom 'Only When I Laugh' in which he played wealthy hypochondriac Archie Glover. By the time 'Only When I Laugh' had reached its third series, Bowles told Chappell that he would only agree to appear in further episodes if he was given a show of his own. Chappell complied with his request and so constructed 'The Bounder', screened by Yorkshire Television ( home of both 'Only When I Laugh' and Chappell's previous sitcom - the marvellous 'Rising Damp' ) between 1982 and 1983 over a course of two series. Here Peter played Howard Booth, a confidence trickster of the first order who has recently been released from prison after serving a two-year sentence for embezzlement and following his release takes up residence in the house of his sister Mary Mountjoy and her husband Trevor. Mary accepts Howard with open arms however Trevor is less than happy to have his lying, scheming brother-in-law as a live-in lodger.

Howard also is smitten by the Mountjoy's attractive next door neighbour Laura Miles, a wealthy widow who ironically was the very woman he conned out of a fortune after she unwisely invested money in the phoney insurance company he ran. Howard's lies and constant attempts to make easy cash by ways of dishonest means land himself and those around him in serious trouble. This pattern would serve throughout the 14 episodes as the core of the show's comedy.

'The Bounder' is not what I would call a classic but it was good fun and in my opinion was far superior to the BBC sitcom 'To The Manor Born', which Bowles starred in alongside Penelope Keith. As the smooth-talking cad Booth, Bowles was simply brilliant. He is rather like Adam Faith's 'Budgie' only with more charm and style. George Cole ( best known for 'Minder' ) gells perfectly with Peter as the constantly flustered Trevor. Rosalind Ayres made the most of what she had in the first series as Mary whilst Isla Blair mesmerised viewers as the sexy ( if rather posh ) Laura.

Two series were made after which 'The Bounder' came to a stop, probably for the best considering the comedic ideas had pretty much been exhausted by then. Chappell's next project for Yorkshire Television was 'Duty Free' - a sitcom starring Keith Barron and Gwen Taylor as a warring married couple who go on a package holiday to Spain, which was then followed by 'Home To Roost' - a dreadful sitcom starring John Thaw as a middle aged man whose quiet life is shattered when his estranged son moves in with him.

Both series of 'The Bounder' have been made available by Network DVD and make enjoyable viewing.
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