Great cast hindered by stupid "comedy" bits, too many running inserts
13 December 2014
Tom Keene had looks and presence and probably could and should have been a big star. I need to do the research to learn why.

He was athletic enough, too, but obviously this movie was made without the stunt expertise of Yakima Canutt or any of the pros who knew how to stage a fight.

Keene blocks with his right and slugs with his left, and it looks rather odd.

There is a good plot line but it gets dragged out by far too many running inserts that are far too long.

And the would-be "comedy" bits further damage the film.

I saw it online, at YouTube, where it's credited to westernsontheweb.com, and where I plan to look for more movies. One complaint: It is awfully dark, though I suppose it could be my computer's fault. (But I don't think it is.)

And one more complaint: There was a (censored) commercial in the middle!

As another reviewer pointed out, the actual title is "Arizona Round-Up" and it is wrong at both IMDb.com and YouTube.com. I don't understand why. (And I will try to repair it at IMDb.com.)

All in all, it's worth watching.

P. S. Added 20 November 2015. Please notice the great people at IMDb DID make the change in the title. They are wonderful, and IMDb is my favorite site.

P. S. Again. Added 11 Oct 2022: On the film itself, the title is "Arizona Round-up." But the poster says "Arizona Roundup." So that's why there is disagreement.
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