Review of Project A 2

Project A 2 (1987)
A Lackluster but Enjoyable Film
9 December 2014
Continuing directly after the first Project A, Project A 2 finds Dragon taking over the police force, and a corrupt one at that. The movie itself is pretty conventional in setup and shouldn't surprise anyone who watches Jackie Chan films. The only problem is a lack of action in the middle act that leaves the film pretty dry to its conclusion.

The concluding final action scenes are well-done, with a good handcuff sequence as well as a hilarious part when Dragon spits chewed up chili's onto his hands to keep the baddies at bay. But otherwise the action isn't anything you haven't seen and the movie itself is nowhere near as good as the original. It's definitely missing Sammo and Yuen, especially to help out the comedy.

It's an okay flick overall.
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