The Flash: The Flash Is Born (2014)
Season 1, Episode 6
The Gift that Keeps on Giving
18 November 2014
The Flash is a great show. And arguably a better start than what Arrow had a few years back. But every great show has a misfire. The Flash Is Born was the weakest episode of the series to date, saved by the final scene.

It was basically another filler episode to get us closer to the Flash vs Arrow episode in a few weeks. Filler episodes are fine but in order to still capture my attention you have to add to the overall story with elements that you wont necessarily need later on. The villain was absolutely dreadful this week. 'Girder' had cool powers sure, but the dialogue and delivery of the this character was pitiful. The writers have actually done a great job so far 6 episodes in capturing a completely different tone than Arrow, while still giving us an awesome superhero show. It felt like an Agents of Shield villain to be honest.

But the episode had it's great moments, led by Detective West and Harrison Wells' meetings. At this point, we know Wells is a villain but who is he? Is it possible he is Eobard Thawne from the future AKA Reverse Flash? Just an idea one of my friends proposed to me but who knows. It was just about the only interesting part of this episode. I even thought the Iris-Barry scenes were pretty cheesy and weak. And why is Thawne 'training' Barry? Just felt completely out of place. But I did think the flashbacks were a fun little addition to this week. So in a week that didn't have much going on, we did get an introduction into who Reverse Flash may be, and also got a quick sneak peak to the Arrow-Flash episode in two weeks.

+Detective West investigates Wells

+Flashback scenes

+Wells may be Reverse Flash?

-Terrible villain

-Already tired of Iris going after 'The Streak'

-Really bad dialogue all around

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