4. Nothing above, nothing below.
30 October 2014
Keep in mind, The Second Coming is a lot more gorish than your usual Asian horror movie, and by gorish I mean disgusting, sick and twisted. All that in a good way? Well, I wouldn't say so, but this is apparently a type 3 Asian horror. Leave it to them to grade their own cinema.

So now about the film itself: this one will be the ultimate most predictable production you'll ever seen. Nothing comes out of the blue, nothing takes you by surprised, it's as easy as counting one, two, three! Bad? I've seen plenty a lot worse! Decent scares? Maybe 2! Maybe! One at least. Good plot? Acting? Twist? Tension building? Uhm, no. It's just dull, a movie you've seen too many times. Even 10 years ago it would still look old. I wouldn't advice anyone to watch it, sadly I consider it a waste of time.

If you want a more decent work from this director, try Nightmare, a better production with a smarter plot that will keep you guessing and waiting for the end in order to see what is it all about. The Second Coming is a movie where you just wait for the ending.

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