Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Rapture (1996)
Season 5, Episode 10
Ridiculous Bajoran mumbo jumbo
30 September 2014
Seemingly all DS9 episodes that try to glorify Bajoran culture end up making them look more and more annoying. Largely, this is because all these efforts are based on ideas with gaping holes.

Here for example, Sisko gets electrocuted and starts having prophetic visions (no reason why). With these he discovers an ancient Bajoran metropolis. By which I mean he discovers the ruins of one obelisk. In a cave. Because lost cities built on plains have huge caves growing around them. In just about 20000 years, which is how old this city is - at this point we are expected to marvel at the ancient civilisation of the Bajorans, who by the way, in a previous (also bad) episode, were revealed to have built (in fact dysfunctional) light sail spaceships with which they reached Cardassia. Now, these spaceships were 800 years before, yet they had already faded into the sphere of legend and Bajorans couldn't be sure of their existence. Yet this amnesiac people retains evidence of a prehistoric city.

These are pretty large plot holes but not what makes this episode very bad. That would be the way in which Sisko turns into a "prophets" faithful, and stops Bajor from joining the Federation by warning them about locusts. Yes, locusts. What is really questionable is how and why the Federation would ever even remotely consider the application of a planet whose rulers can be swayed over by a delirious madman warning them about locusts. There have been bad Star Trek episodes over the years, but this one stands out, not as the worst, but possible as the most un-Star Trek like I have seen. Its logic goes against all things Star Trek. To put it simply, Cpt Picard wouldn't let this stand.
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