Thomas & Friends (1984–2021)
Whimsical Lessons In Life & Good Behaviour
7 September 2014
ONCE IN A WHILE a great, truly original bit of cinematic magic comes along. We can only imagine what life was like before the likes of Disney, the BATMAN TV Series(1966), JAWS, STAR WARS, Universal Horror Movies, Stan Laurel & Oliver Hardy, etc. Catching this lightning in a bottle certainly isn't an easy feat; nor is their any formula for success in this area. It's a matter of Hard Work and Dumb Luck!*

WELL WE CERTAINLY move to have THOMAS AND HIS FRIENDS so disposed and nominate him for membership in this exclusive club of which we speak. All in Favour, say Aye; Opposed Nay! The Ayes have it! So be it directed and acclaimed throughout Cyberspace!

AS YOU CAN plainly see, we have a soft spot for the import from the United Kingdom. This magical series, based on The Railway Stories by Reverend W. Awdry (1911-97), an Anglican Priest and devout Railroad buff. That all of the elements were present for an outstanding kid's series was apparent to writer/producer, Miss Britt Allcroft (1943-); who adapted the stories to computer animation TV.

SHE MUST HAVE known her craft; for the series continues today after 30 years.

IT IS ONLY recently that Thomas, Gordon, Emily and the other anthropomorphic characters really came to our notice. Along with Sir Topham Hat and others, they were very much below our radar, mainly because our own kids were just a little too old to have been into THOMAS; so he remained a pleasant looking fellow on video boxes in retail outlets and video rental emporiums, that is until......

THAT IS UNTIL about the last year or we so; when our Grandsons, Jack and Patrick began devout following of the series on PBS and Cable Channel SPROUT. Well, we also became enamored with the show and continue to relish the opportunities to "have to view" it as an obligation; while doing baby sitting-duties. Just call it a perk of being a Grandparent!

TWO WEEKS AGO, we had the "duty" of escorting the elder boy, Jack, to the Illinois Railway Museum in Union, Illinois. The occasion was a special event called A DAY OUT WITH THOMAS. Much like an outing to Disneyland, this day proved to be as much for the "Old Kids" as for the Youngsters.

AND SPEAKING OF Mr. Disney, we're sure that if he could have, he would have done a THOMAS film. The series has all of the hallmarks of what would be a great Disney movie. It is innocent, non-pretentious, very gentle and action-filled. There are stories here that present us and the kids with perplexing problems and mysterious happenings; all of which require a concerted effort of the characters to both solve and resolve. In the process, a moral is imparted and a lesson learned. It's "educational" without being heavy handed or obvious.

NOW TO US, that is truly "Disneyesque!" Don't you agree, Schultz?

NOTE: * Some great man defines "Luck" as being where preparation meets opportunity, or something like that. It sure applies here!
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