This movie version of the radio show "People Are Funny" has some amusing bits from the show itself and has some entertaining musical numbers but the plot's for the birds!
27 July 2014
When I was a kid, I listened to a lot of Old-Time Radio shows that were syndicated on AM radio or FM public stations during the late '70s-early '80s of which one of the shows was "People Are Funny", the Art Linkletter show. He played practical jokes on various audience members that sounded quite funny whenever he described what was going on. So this movie has him doing what he does and you actually get to see some of the stunts being performed as they are happening and they're quite amusing, if not hilarious. There's also some music that are quite entertaining performed by the likes of Jack Haley, Rudy Vallee, and Ozzie Nelson plus a novelty singing group called The Vagabonds though one pauses when they do a blackface number. The plot is mostly miss in the humor department and drags the proceedings to the lumbering 90 min.-time slot. I'm also disappointed that the Frances Langford number was cut from the version I watched. Still, People Are Funny was an interesting curio so I say give a watch. P.S. Haley-who was the Tin Woodman in the classic The Wizard of Oz-is reunited with his co-star from that movie, Clara Blandick, who was Auntie Em in that. And that "PAF" creator John Guedel was also responsible for picking Groucho Marx to host "You Bet Your Life". He's, by the way, fictionalized as a sneaky producer in this picture. And later Stooge Joe DeRita appears near the end.
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