The Violin
24 July 2014
The story of a schoolteacher (Meryl Streep)'s struggle to teach violin to inner-city Harlem kids.

Now reportedly, Wes Craven got this directing job by saying he would not do "Scream 3" without doing this first. What does this say about Craven? Besides horror, thriller and adult films, he has a passion for something more. Of course, you know, he does hold a masters degree in English and philosophy.

Angela Bassett is back in a big way. Those who had only seen Bassett in Craven's "Vampire in Brooklyn" may not expect much from her, but here she is among her strongest. With Streep getting an Oscar nomination, maybe Bassett deserved one, too.

Roger Ebert gave the film three stars out of four and wrote that "Meryl Streep is known for her mastery of accents; she may be the most versatile speaker in the movies. Here you might think she has no accent, unless you've heard her real speaking voice; then you realize that Guaspari's speaking style is no less a particular achievement than Streep's other accents. This is not Streep's voice, but someone else's - with a certain flat quality, as if later education and refinement came after a somewhat unsophisticated childhood."

The other music teacher seems a bit one-noted, not believing in the kids. Whether this is supposed to be racism, a commentary on the inner city, or just a dislike of children is unclear. How easily Demetras is able to get their attention seems a bit strange, although she does tend to lose them as time goes on.

Where does the reality meet the fiction, or vice versa?
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