Season 2: Shorter and not as strong as the first season, but still enjoyable
11 April 2014
Although there are some very big names in this second season, it is hard not to feel like the show has stepped back a little bit from the ambition of the first. Mainly this comes across in the fewer number of episodes but also in terms of how well it works as a whole. The idea is the same as before, Jerry gets to drive some classic or unusual cars and while doing so picks up another comedian and takes them somewhere for coffee and a chat. As before this has the potential to be self- congratulatory and smug but pretty much it avoids this and I was surprised how likable and personable the people were even when I was essentially watching two incredibly wealthy men drive round in a car I will never in my whole life be able to afford.

The guests this time are pretty good, ranging from some smaller picks up to trans-generational names such as Rickles and Letterman. Not everyone is brilliant all the time though and the downside of the rather free nature of the show is that at times the relationship feels a little stilted before kick-starting again. This does make the show feel like two people doing "bits" at each other, but mostly it works and it has the flow of a conversation. Silverman was a strong start and probably the most natural, although I also enjoyed Elmaleh and Rock particularly. Rickles and Letterman seemed a bit too "booked" while I didn't really care too much for Meyers as a choice.

As with the previous season the choice of car is a big part of the show and here there are some great picks. From the ordinary through to the extraordinary they were all fun to see driven although I think seeing the Citron CV constantly struggling was overdoing the joke. The episodes mostly look good with the cameras in the car being good quality, with good shots around the moving vehicles. The material in the restaurant is good when it is just the two but I will be honest and say that seeing them interact with others like it is no big deal always feels a bit unnatural and forced.

It isn't quite as much fun as the first season but this is still a nice collection of episodes which provide some good laughs throughout, even if some of the pairings work better than others.
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