i, unfortunately, have to agree with the only other reviewer...
27 January 2014
pardon the pun, but i felt this movie was a little too sugar-coated...

it DID represent situations that were 'realistic'/violent...but, overall, it felt like a bit of Hollywood fluff...happy/no loose ends ending and all... i'm only writing this review b/c a)there's only one other(all that was REALLY necessary, imo)review and b)i wanted people to have a better feel for whether or not to see it. again, the other reviewer covered it pretty well...some scenic photography...a bit of what plantation life might've been like in, what is now, suriname... i'm an 'american transplant' now taken root in Holland/nederland. i already know of this aspect of dutch history, if it can be so called. for, to me, it's of course part of suriname history which the dutch happened to play a part in. let's face it, suriname was there before the dutch arrived so i hope to see no insulted responses to this comment. same as 'america'. it existed, along with the indigenous peoples, before the white man ever arrived... the movie is pleasant, if that's what you're looking for. well done but does not 'dive deep'. which is where pearls are found, no?
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