Pitiful homemade horror
17 January 2014
NAZI ZOMBIES, made over a decade ago yet recently released to cash-in on the popularity of the sub-genre (after movies such as DEAD SNOW and OUTPOST), turns out to be a pitiful and extremely cheesy homemade horror shot in somebody's backyard. This is a film that scrapes the bottom of the barrel and is very nearly as bad as the Aussie MATRIX rip-off I watched, REIGN IN DARKNESS. It's as bad as the cheesy backwoods slasher CAMP BLOOD, which is saying something.

Genre enthusiasts will be disappointed that there are no Nazi zombies in sight, just the usual run-of-the-mill flesh-munching shamblers, brought to life with low budget make up effects and a little silly gore. The 'heroes' are a group of soldiers sent to investigate a remote government installation, and there's some government conspiracy stuff thrown into the mix to pad out the plot a little. Needless to say, production values are nil and the acting is so bad it hurts. Most of it consists of people running around in the dark and screaming occasionally.

The best thing I can say about this 'film' – if you can truly call it a 'film' (it's more like some shot-on-video competition entry for a local Halloween competition) – is that the second half is better than the first, but only marginally. The first half has drawn-out conversations which are dull and boring, while the second is full of repetitive and mindless chase scenes, but I'll pick the action over the dialogue any day of the week. This is still one to avoid like the (zombie) plague though.
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