Worse Movie Ever
5 January 2014
I watch a lot of movies, but none of them have ever actually proved painful. Sometimes a bad movie can be fun to watch because it is cheezy or unintentionally funny. This movie isn't like that.

This movie is below poor. It is unwatchable. I lasted about ten minutes before I was seized with an unholy urge to grab a fork and tear out my own eyes to avoid watching it for even another second. Fortunately there was no fork around.

I began screaming my most closely guarded secrets at the screen because I became convinced that some unseen interrogator was attempting to extract information from me by forcing me to watch this unendurable piece of "art". Fortunately I had a moment of lucidity and was able to stop the movie before being driven insane.

This movie is not "trippy", there are no "hidden meanings" in it. There is no "intellectual" value to it in any way, shape of form. It is just a mind-numbing mess that may pull a suicidal reaction from you.
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