It's not a documentary, but...
17 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Imagine if Indiana Jones and Dr. Belloq from RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK had gone on their archaeological quest in the real North Africa-- i.e., Hollywood characters filmed inside a creditable documentary. That's the GOLDEN MASK-- well, without the whip and the Nazis.

Van Heflin plays a writer who is "along for the ride" on an archaeological quest with a rather stuffy British archaeologist (Eric Portman). They head to North Africa, in search of the priceless eponymous mask which legend says is in the lost tomb of a Roman emperor in Djemila (ancient Cuicul, now a UNESCO site).

That's the plot-- with the addition of Wanda Hendrix as the love interest-- but never mind, because the plot is not what makes this movie worth watching. The director, Jack Lee, even said, ""was a piece of old hokum, made almost entirely on location. It was quite fun, but it was all cliché stuff, with goodies and baddies and all those spahis riding around chasing bandits." He's got a point, but who cares? What makes the movie-- whose alternate title is SOUTH OF ALGIERS-- fascinating is the location:

It was indeed filmed largely in and around Algiers by D.P. Oswald Morris (Oscar for FIDDLER ON THE ROOF, and multiple BAFTA awards), who pointed his camera at Algerian people, scenes and moments such as tribal dancers, including a male belly dancer in the street, a cavalry charge by desert soldiers in flowing robes, camel traders, hardscrabble oases, stretches of wild open road through the desert ("When it rains," says a character called Thankyou, "there is no road"), sites from antiquity including ruins at Djemila and Carthage (Tunis), and more. Much more.

In fact, forget RAIDERS. The film that THE GOLDEN MASK really reminded me of is GRASS: A NATION'S BATTLE FOR LIFE, the unforgettable Merion C. Cooper (KING KONG) silent documentary that follows the harrowing trek of 50,000 nomads, with their livestock and belongings, from northern Turkey to western Iran in the early 1920s. Nothing against RAIDERS (which I've seen multiple times, it's such fun), but GOLDEN MASK is like RAIDERS in a real world of tribal cultures. And that's a combination that's hard to beat.
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