The Cruz Conversion
1 December 2013
Recently I read that Erik Estrada came under fire for starring in a film produced by the religious right. What everyone seems to forget is that Estrada made his film debut in The Cross And The Switchblade playing the real life Nicky Cruz evangelical minister who turned to religion at the call of Reverend David Wilkerson back in the Fifties.

The Cross And The Switchblade might have the facts of the Cruz conversion right, but they were surely deficient in other things. I saw this film when it first came out in 1970 and it was in San Antonio, Texas while I was a weekend warrior at Fort Sam Houston. The story is in the 50s, but everyone was wearing contemporary fashions. It did not have the effect on me that it did on Nicky Cruz.

Pat Boone played Reverend Wilkerson whom I understand was very much like Pat Boone. This turned out to be Boone's last fling at film stardom as he concentrated more and more on his religious activities.

One thing that truly got me was the casting of female JoAnn Robinson as young gang banger Little Bo. No hint that she was transgendered and the only role cast cross gender boundaries like that is usually Peter Pan. I have to say I got one weird vibe from that, seeing cross dressing where one really doesn't expect it. And in 1970 this was not something I would have taken notice of.

Shot on those mean streets of New York where David Wilkerson and Nicky Cruz did their evangelical thing, despite production values that could have used some polish, The Cross And The Switchblade is a sincerely made film. If Christian films is your cup of tea you won't be needing sweetener like production values.
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