Awkward.: A Very Special Episode of Awkward (2013)
Season 3, Episode 15
As Jenna continues her downward spiral, the show mocks what has happened thus far
23 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
In a very weird way, this episode mocks Jenna's life, thus far, all in after school special styled production called "What are we going to do about Jenny" which, stars Sadie Saxton. As you would expect, Sadie goes way over the top when it comes to mocking Jenna, and at this point I think the writers will definitely need to get more creative with Sadie's insults if they are going to keep the character the same, but increase her screen time. Aside from that, we get another round of Jenna vs. her old friends and Tamara this time around gets to be insightful by noting Jenna pretty much being a follower when it comes to Colin, and of course Sadie jumps in and says their relationship, of which isn't DTR'd, is just about sex and drugs.

And really, who can argue against that? That Colin we saw last year is pretty much non-existent now. There are no artsy functions or anything like that. Basically he just comes around for sex and to share drugs. I mean really think of it. Outside of Jenna's issues with transitioning to be with Colin, have the two ever spoke about the stuff which seemingly, initially, attracted her to him? I mean, at this point she seems like a serial dater who can't deal with the idea of being single for more than a week or two.

But, perhaps the worst bit is that the writing doesn't make you split between supporting Jenna and damning her. In a way, this whole after school special thing not only mocks what has happened, but lets you know what will be happening for some time. Whether this is an extended dream sequence, or reality, Awkward has turned into a after school special. Jenna meets this young man who seems cool, is sort of a bad boy, does drugs, and alienates her from everyone. Her relationship with her parents suffer, she starts skipping school, and I'm sure other clichés will pop up soon.

Overall: I'm starting to get that feeling again like Awkward didn't have to be 20 some odd episodes for a season. Maybe that is why the show runner left. They realized this show can't really function in an expanded format and rather have left, or been fired, then stick around as the show, and main character, begin a downward spiral.
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