Mondo Keyhole (1966)
Artistic--Yet Crude
23 November 2013
This film starts off with a young woman screaming while she is being raped by a serial rapist by the name of "Howard Thorn" (Nick Moriarty). When he gets home he finds that his attractive but love-starved wife, "Vicki" (Adele Rein) wants to get intimate. But he wants none of it. For him the thrill is in the brutal conquest. As a result, Vicki turns to heroin while he becomes more and more reckless. Anyway, while I expected a risqué film of sorts, I never expected something produced in 1966 to feature as much violence and nudity as this one did. In black and white, no less. Be that as it may, what was also unique about it was that it took a rather crude plot and did a remarkable job of displaying it in an artistic manner. In that respect it was artistic--yet crude at the same time. In any case, while this movie might be interesting to some it is hardly something that will please a general audience. Definitely for mature audiences only.
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